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Writer Artist
Advocacy . Research
Social Justice

amplifying diverse stories and voices for transformative futures

Creating for social hope


Visit the blog. Explore my portfolio of writing and publications.

on hiatus 2023-2024


Creations. A gallery, sometimes with musings. A shop, this way comes.


Experienced senior executive and board director
- specialising in not-for-profit and for-purpose organisational development, diversity and belonging, ethical engagement with community and lived experience
Consultant. Speaker. Facilitator.

In art and life.
water pouring on lightbulb

With gratitude, Adele lives on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar and pays respect to Elders past and present of this Country and the many First Nations custodians of so-called Australia.

Adele has worked in arts, human rights and social justice for many years as a senior executive. Having worked in leadership development, human rights, women’s health, and domestic, family, and sexual violence (FDSV), Adele commenced a PhD (temporarily stopped for health and personal issues) investigating the phenomenon of FDSV in Australia. 

As a writer, artist, consultant, speaker, and facilitator, Adele brings a commitment to generative curiosity and amplifying the voices and stories which are often excluded, deprioritised, or devalued. There are no voiceless, there are those who are silenced or unheard.

Primarily writing on human rights and social justice themes, Adele uses storytelling in non-fiction, poetry and performance writing forms to explore identity, the politics of existence, and the integration of personal and shared histories. 

They share their journey as a disabled, chronically ill, person of colour living in art, community, and hope for transformative futures.

Want to Work together?

Stay Connected

Find bite-size chunks of words on Twitter or check out my meanderings on Instagram.

Alternatively, send me a message using the contact form. 

A subscription option for the newsletter will be available soon.

Adele Purrsisted


After a prolonged period of serious illness, my ongoing recovery journey has been more complicated and slower than I had hoped. I now manage my availability and workload to prioritise health and wellbeing. I warmly encourage you to do so too and I hope you will find me to be welcoming, patient, and understanding as you work in ways that align with your wellbeing and values.

Supporting Creative Practice and Activism

If you are financially able and find my words, art, or other projects, to be meaningful, valuable, or in some way helpful, please consider being a Patreon, sending a Ko-Fi, or being a supporter through Paypal.

Sharing my art, writing, and advocacy (with credit please!) is also a much appreciated way to support my work.

Two hands holding a papercut heart. Image by Kelly Sikkema

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into my floating World